Plein Air Painting

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I’ve always wanted to go to Tuscany and this summer I will get the chance. John and I will spend three days in Florence and then visit Barga Italy in northeast Tuscany. I have romantic notions of John and I visiting the birthplace of the renaissance, eating Tuscan food and drinking Tuscan wine.

After three days in Florence we will drive northeast to Barga, a medieval town that is an artist colony. There the plan is to enjoy the Tuscan life while painting the beautiful landscape known for it’s magnificent light. I have a friend who I know from Naked Wines who has invited us to stay with her for a bit. I want to paint her a painting as a gift so I started to get int the mod by painting the above painting of Barga with the Alps as the backdrop. Since ‘light was the star’ I decided to use the painting the light method of the Cape Cod School of Art as described by Lois Griffel in her book “Painting the Impressionist Landscape”

This has certainly peaked my interest about the trip and am looking forward to it even more.

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As a contributing member artist of PAPB, I am participating in the exhibit
“Painting Paradise” The opening exhibit was Sunday, March 10, from 2-4 pm at the Schuman Museum Gallery at the Boca JCC. Here are some images of some of the artists with their artwork as well as the poster with more info about the exhibit that runs until April 30, 2019.

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Went to Plantation today to paint the bougainvilleas. Me and my fellow plein air painting buddies were at the Deicke Auditorium and across the street there was a hedge of bougainvilleas that were in bloom. so much fun to be outside before it gets hot and just painting beauty.

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September 30th, 2017 2-4 PM

Meet me at the MAC and join me for Afternoon Tea and an Artist Talk.
Join Donna Walsh and the artists of Plein Air Northeast Kingdom for an Artist talk with panel discussion and Afternoon Tea. You will find the plein air artists to be quite a social bunch so even our talk will be a social event.

Free and open to the public at MAC Center for the Arts, 158 Main St. Newport VT 05855

Here is some info about the exhibit:

The MAC Center for the Arts and the Memphremagog Watershed Association will host an art exhibit featuring farms and waters of the Memphremagog Watershed. Resident artists and visiting artists at all levels are painting at many sites around the Northeast Kingdom through the NEK Plein Air painting group to document today’s landscapes that contribute to tomorrow’s history. Painting sites include views of local waters and views of soil and water conservation practices at four farms that are working with the Orleans County Conservation District.

This exciting art project includes highlighting strip cropping and grassed waterway in corn fields, grazing and laneways in pastures, and Riparian Forest buffers conservation practices that reduce soil erosion by water; increase infiltration and available soil water; and improve habitat, water quality, visual quality of the landscape and farm community relations.
Strip cropping is arranged on cropland across the general slope so that equal widths of grass strips are alternated with annually tilled cropped strip. Grassed waterways are generally planted to perennial grass in annual crop fields and are constructed to convey runoff from low spots where concentrated flow areas where ephemeral and gully erosion control is needed. Artists and community members will learn about these local field based conservation efforts and all the participating farmers will receive a framed print of one of the paintings.

I run a group for plein air paintings on Pixels aka Fine Art America.  There are some beautiful plein air paintings that the members post.  Take a look at–all-painting-media.html?tab=artwork

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Grassy Waters

Grassy Waters 9 x 12 Acrylic on Canvas Paper .  This one was very well received when I posted it on Facebook.   I have been trying to do some daily painting to implement what I have been learning lately.  In this one I was focusing on the Cape Cod School of Art.

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Th13087514_10154453059525348_4355556754880952771_ne May edition of Plein Air Magazine had a wonderful article about Plein Fun Fest, here in our back yard! Honored to have been included in the ” Winner’s Circle” of awards, along with such talented painters and friends.  I was co-chair of this event so happy to see it work out so well

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ocean-Inlet morning sunBut I broke my wrist..  I was just getting to Ocean Inlet, was in the parking lot.  As i get out of the car my foot turn over and down I go.  Of course my painting buddies say “Is it your painting are” and when I say “no” they tell me to stay and paint.  But the pain got the best of me so I
took a few pictures and did this one at home in the studio.  Not right away of course.

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These are the paintings from my Adriatic Cruise.  I was teaching watercolors aboard the Queen Elizabeth.  These were some of the places we visited and were the subject of the watercolor classes.Greek Temple in Corfu Gibraltar Dubrovnick Seville Croatia Venice Sicily

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Artist Reception for "Art Outside the Walls: en Plein Air"

Artist Reception for “Art Outside the Walls: en Plein Air”

My weekend of Art & Culture began with the Artist Reception on Thursday April 10th, 2014 for Art Outside the Walls: en Plein Air, the exhibit at the Cultural Council of Palm Beach that showcases the artwork of the group I co-founded, Plein Air Palm Beach (PAPB).  This is an exhibit I have been working on all season. 


It is runs from April 11 –June 7th, 2014 and can be seen during regular hours of the Cultural Council; Tuesday –Saturday 10 AM – 4PM.  It is a joint project with the Cultural Council and Plein Air Palm Beach showcasing the work of local area and visiting artists.



We painted out in the 10 different locations, chosen from the members’ favorite places to paint in Palm Beach County, over the course of ten weeks, between December and February, going to a different location every week.  Sometimes the weather did not cooperate but that did not stop the hard core artists.

During the course of this project, over 80 different artists participated and well over 200 paintings were produced.    Not only was I a participating artist and organizer of the paint-outs, but together with Ralph Papa, co-founder of PAPB and Nichole Hickey, Director of Artistic Services at the Cultural Council, I helped plan the actual exhibit.  So by the time the opening reception rolled around, I felt like a celebrity walking in on the red carpet. The natural high and floating feeling I got from this Artist Reception will keep me going for awhile.

The Reception


The artists I work with in PAPB are tremendous and all have been very supportive and encouraging during this project. The Cultural Council of Palm Beach, as usual has been very professional and is always a pleasure to work with.  I have been an artist member of the Cultural Council for the past two years and highly encourage other artists to consider becoming members as well.  It is so nice to have professional organization working for arts and culture in our area.


The second part of my arts weekend was my participation in the Atlantis Spring Fling Art Show and Sale.  It is a very nice community event that includes an art show.  It was fun to be with a group of artists and have a chance to show my work and even made a sale.   With two other exhibits ongoing besides the above, most of my work is currently out being shown in exhibit.  Not really a bad problem.  Thus, I brought mostly artwork from my cruising travels to the Spring Fling Show.  Sometimes I feel like I’m not painting enough but when I pulled together my work for Spring Fling I realized I had quite a few paintings.  Side benefit of preparing for a show and sale like this is that it really helps to get the artwork inventory organized.  Besides it was fun to be chatting with other artists and Atlantis gave us a nice dinner to boot.


Finally, on Palm Sunday, I attended Seraphic Fire concert of Haydn: Last Seven Words.  A good friend and I have season tickets and originally we were supposed to attend on Thursday in Boca, but that turned out to be the night of Cultural Council artist reception so we decided to reschedule to Sunday in Miami.   The weather and traffic tried to thwart my plans; we encountered heavy rains and, at one point, a sign saying all lanes on I95 closed.  So we had to get off and take the scenic route to Miami Beach.  No problem, but we made it with only a minute to spare.  The anxiety of the weather and traffic melted away as soon as Seraphic Fire began to sing.  I was transported for a brief time to a place of sheer pleasure and beauty.    After the concert, we took the scenic route back part way as the traffic was still snarled on 95.  However, by now the sun was out, and we got to enjoy the ride and each other’s company.


My weekend immersion in art was complete.

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